Thursday, March 11, 2010

War for Europe and North Africa - Part II

6. What was D-Day?
D-day was the first day of our envasion into germany, which was the largest assult in history, which comprised of parracute troopers and thousands of water troops.

7. What happened at the Battle of the Bulge?
At this battle, german tanks pushed 60 miles into our territory creating a bulge in our line of deffences. They captured 120 American GIs at this battle, which were slaughted by SS troopers.

8. What did Allied troops find in Germany?
Allied troops found death camps and thousands of starving inmates and piles of shoes, which show the horror of thease camps.

9. What happened to Hitler? What happened to F.D. Roosevelt? Who became U.S. President?

Hitler: Shot himself and his corpse was burnt along with his wife who also killed herself.
FDR: Had a heart attack and died a couple months into his 4th term.
Next prez became Harry S. Truman.

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