Friday, March 12, 2010

War in the Pacific

1. What was the importance of the Battle of Midway?
It was the turning point of the war in the paific, and the allies stared island hopping to gain ground.

2. What strategy did the United States adopt in fighting Japan?
They started taking island by island one at a time to capture everything and win the war in the pacific.

3. Why did the Japanese fight so hard on Iwo Jima?
They tried so hard because they knew that if america got "Sulfer Island" than they would have a base in which they could launch bombers to main island japan.

4. Why did the Allies believe Okinawa was a foretaste of an invasion of Japan?
They believed that because they reliezed the japanies would do anything to deffend there home. Even if it means dieing.

5. What was the Manhattan Project?
It was the group of developers who developed the atomic bomb.

6. Ultimately, why did President Truman decide to drop atomic bombs on Japan?
Because he wanted to end the war, and he thought that by droping the atomic bombs on two Japanies targets that it would end the war, which it did.

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