Monday, March 8, 2010

War for Europe & North Africa

1. To what did Roosevelt and Churchill agree early in the war?
They agreed to go attack Germany and Italia first instead of Japan. And they had a bromance going on.

2. Why was winning the Battle of the Atlantic so crucial to the fortunes of the Allies?
Because if they hadnt won and Hitler had succeded in destroying our shipping lanes to GB,, then GB would have lost to the Germans.

3. Why was the Battle of Stalingrad so important?
Stalingrad was a major Industrial center on the Volga River, so the Soviet Union wanted to keep it, and Hitler wanted it as well. What made the battle so important was that the Soviet Union lost 1,100,000 men protecting it, just tobe able to turn the tide of war and march westward.

4. What happened in the war in North Africa?
D.E. Eisenhower led allied troops into the north African shores and proceded to fight the enemeys out of north Africa.

5. What happened after the Allies invaded Italy?
After they invaded Mussolini was striped of power and office. Then Italy selibrated the end of the war. But they were to soon because Hitler decided to fight them in Italy. It raged for months and lots of people died.

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