Monday, March 8, 2010

Mobilizing for WWII.

1. Selective Service System

This expanded the drafting of young soldiers who really wanted to jion the war effort.

2. Women

They were in the auxilllery branches and build alot of the weapons while all the men were away.

3. Minorities

They were forced to fight because of the draft wich not many were happy about fighting because they were discriminated against.

4. Manufacturers

Many were cahnged from luxery manufacturing companies to war material facturies, i.e. tanks airships ect.

5. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)

It started to develope more war time machines like new guns and new tanks.

6 Entertainment industry

The entertainment brodcasted propaganda and way that people could help the war effort.

7. Office of Price Administration (OPA)

it was incharge of

8. War Production Board (WPB)

9. Rationing

It suggested that people rationed there food to help lthe oldiers out in the war by allowing them to get mor food.

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