Friday, January 29, 2010

Causes of the Great Depression Outline

Prompt: To what extent was the Wall Street Crash a cause of the Great Depression of 1929? Support your argument with specific examples.
The Wall Street crash was a cause of the great depression, but it was not the largest contributor nor the only one. Another contributor to the crash was that all the farmers had over farmed and there was no demand for all that food. Another was that credit was easily obtained and many people who got credit couldn't pay any back to the loaners. Also the unemployment rate sky rocketed after many of the veterans came back from WWII.

Main point 1: The Wall Street Crash
a. The decrease in value of the stocks panicked people and they all tried to sell their stocks, all at once.
b.And the economy also droped drasticly because of this.

Main point 2: Farmer over farming
a. During the war the farmers farmed alot for the soldiers and after there was no market for it.
b.The prices plumited after no one was able to buy them and the farmers wernt selling.

Main point 3:Credit easly availible.
a. The banks thought it would be good to loan out money to the needy but they went able to pay them back.
b. The credit was barley worth anythin in the first place because the bank had nothing to back it up with.

Main point 4:
a. Uneployment went high after war because veterians had no jobs, decreasing the economy.
b. The people who had jobs were fired because the companies couldnt pay them.

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