Monday, February 1, 2010

FDR & the New Deal

1. Describe how people struggled to survive during the depression.
People were layed off for years on end with no work, therefore no food, and almost everyone had lost all hope. Also many went homeless.

2. How was what happened to men during the Great Depression different from what happened to women? Children?
Men wondered the streets and some times left their familys because they couldnt find jobs.
Woman were looked down apon because they were working while men couldnt, and women always made less money too.
Children went to work too because schools closed. Most kids went around the counttry looking for jobs, like older men do. They also had bad diets and many were sick and in poor health.

3. Describe the causes and effects (on people) because of the Dust Bowl.
Farmers had broken up the top soil, destroying the parts hich held the dust down, and they never rotated crops, changing the plants type every other season. And after the wind picked up the dust it flung it every where the winds went, and so many farmers left their farms behind because they couldnt stand the dust.

Objective: Summarize the initial steps Franklin D. Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance.

4. What was the New Deal and its three general goals? (The 3 Rs)
The new deal was THe presidentail election of 1933 and

5. What did Roosevelt do during the Hundred Days?
He and congress passed 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation and in the first day, he declaired a bank holiday, where all the banks would be inspected and if they passed theyd be reopened and if not they would stay closed.

6. Why were Roosevelt's fireside chats significant?
They informed the public of what would help the plan move forward, and it also gave courage back to americans.

7. Describe four significant agencies and/or bills that tightened regulation of banking and finance.
Glass-Steagall Act: established by the FDIC to protect an idividuals bank accounts.
Federal Securities Act: 1933, which required corperations to provide complete and accurate information on thier stocks.
SEC: was put inplace to regulate the stock market.
FDIC: Provided federal insurance for bank acounts up to $5000.

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