Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues

After World War I, many Americans feared that Communists would take over the country.

1. How did the Justice Department under A. Mitchell Palmer respond to this fear?
Palmer appointed J. Edgar Hoover as his special assistant. Together, with there agents, hunted down suspected communists.

2. Why did Palmer eventually lose his standing with the American public?
Nothing turned up in Palmer's investigations, and no explosives eather. The public thought it was just a campain issue, to try and win more support for himself, but in doing so everyone started to dislike him.

3. How did the Ku Klux Klan respond to this fear?
The attacked immigrents, believing in "100% American" whewre there should be no other group of persons in the U.S. other than white people.

4. Why did the Klan eventually lose popularity and membership?
They started to lose power because they had crazy rituals and there criminal behavior made some people dislike them.

5. Briefly describe how Sacco and Vanzetti became victims of the Red Scare.
They were arrested because the were italians. They were sentenced to death, by a jury of the people, just because they were italian. There was no evidence supporting there charge.

Public opinion turned against labor unions as many Americans came to believe that unions encouraged communism.

6. Why was the strike by Boston police unpopular with the public?
It was unpopular because they thought the Govener had saved the people by not allowing this strike.

7. Why did Massachusetts governor Calvin Coolidge become so popular?
Because he was praised for stoping the anarchy and rebelion of the boston police.

8. Why was the strike at U.S. Steel unpopular?
It was unpopular because through propaganda, the company liked the strikers to communists and won over the people and police that helped end the strike.

9. How did President Wilson respond to the steel strike?
He responded by asking them to try and settle the matter by stelling the matter peacfully.

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