Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Woodrow Wilson Fights for Peace

1. What was Wilson's 14th Point?
The 14th point called for the creation of an international organization which would adress diplomatic crises.

2. What terms of the treaty specifically affected Germany?
-Germany could not mantian an army
-And Germany had to pay $33 million to the allies because they lost.

3. What were the weaknesses of the treaty?
1. Ttreaty humiliated Germany. War-guilt clause which told Germany they had to say they were the sole starter of the first great war.
2. No way Germany could pay off the $33 mil dept from the war.

4. Why did Henry Cabot Lodge object to the treaty?
Because he was suspiciuos of the provisions for joint economic and military action against aggression.

5. How did Wilson help bring about the Senate's rejection of the treaty?
He was ignoring any attempts of compromise between the Senate and they just refused it because of him.

6. What circumstances at this time would eventually lead many Germans to support Adolf Hitler?
unresolved issues in Europe and many Germans longed to resume fighting and Hitler's words won him support from many Germans.

7. Who is George Clemenceau?
A french diplomat who lived through 2 German envasions in france and was one of the "Big Four" who worked on the treaty, along with Wilson and Orlando and George.

8. Who is David Lloyd George?
Another one of the "Big Four" and a British prime minister.

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