Monday, November 30, 2009

World War I Begins

1. What are the four main causes of World War I? Give an example for each as to why it was a cause.

1. Militarism- Germany's Military Expansion with drafts and setting up reserves. 2. Alliance System- The Allies- Russia Italia and Great Britain allied together. 3. Imperialsim- Germany competed with France and Britain for formation of colonies. 4. Nationalism- Germany's growing power in Europe.

2. How did the June 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand become the spark for WWI?

It bacame "The USS Maine" for Austrai-Hungary to start war on Serbia, and the Serbains, which made Russia fear that they would be attacked next, and due to that all the alliences of both Russia and Austrai-Hungary, the other nation came into the war.

3. What happened within the first few months of fighting?

Germany invaided Belgium, which was the start of the plan that Germany would go around and Deffeat France and Go after Russia and defeat them.

4. Generally, why did the United States want to stay out of the war?

WE wanted to stay out because it was a "european war". 3,000 miles away from us. It did not threatin the US at all, so no reason for us to be involved.

5. Specifically, Why did the following groups of Americans tend to oppose U.S. participation in the war? Naturalized citizens; socialists; pacifists; parents.

  1. Socialists: Criticised the war, saying it was a capitalist and imperialist struggle between Germany and England to control markets and colonies elsewhere in the world.
  2. Parents: Most didnt Want the kids to see war and feel the horrors of war.
  3. Citizens: Many followed the war because they still had close ties to the countries that where fighting.
  4. Pacifists: ? couldnt find.

6. How did Germany respond to the British naval blockade of Germany’s ports? What was the U.S. response?

German U-Boats set up a counter-blockade which sunk ant Amarican or Allied ships passing through. The U.S.'s public opinion was then turned against the Germans in response.

7. What forced the United States into the war?

The Zimmermann note, and finaly the Russian Monarchy was replaced with a representstive goverment. Everyone in America was now for the war.

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