Wednesday, November 18, 2009

America as a World Power

1. What role did President Roosevelt play in ending the Russo-Japanese War?
HE played the role of teh peace maker and helped settle things between Russia and Japan.

2. What events led to the building of the Panama Canal? What happened regarding Columbia? (Be specific)
Many Amaricans, including Rosecelt, thought we needed an cnal cutting trough Central Amarica. GB and AM decided to share rights of thte canal. Columbians revolted, thanks to the US, because we wanted to build the canal and we needed permision.

3. What did the Roosevelt Corollary state?
It stated that America could use international "police" poweres to control Latin America.

4. How did Taft use Dollar Diplomacy to enforce the Roosevelt Colollary on Nicaragua? (Be specfic)
We gave money to Nicaragua, because they just came out of a rebellion, and in return we got to get it back anyway we want.

5. Why did Woodrow Wilson invade Mexico?
He invaded because we had our sailors accedently captured, but freed soon after, and we wanted to get one of there main ports.

6. What were three major foriegn policy goals achieved by the United States in the early 20th century. Be sure to provide an example or two of each.

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