Friday, November 6, 2009

Imperialism's Bitter Fruit

1. a. After the Spanish were forced out of the Philippines, why did fighting break out between American and Filipino forces?
Fighting broke out because the Fillipino forces believed they would be set free by the US, but wernt so they started to fight them.

b. How was this a different kind of warfare for American forces?
The FIlipinos used gurrilla war tactics. The used hit-and-run tactics.

2. Why were many African-Americans strong critics of the war against Filipino nationalists?
The Af-Am were ctitics because there was alot of racism over there towards Blacks and many Blacks fought over there.

3. Explain two reasons why the United States lost some of its enthusiasm for imperialism in the early 1900s.
a.Teddy Rosevelt felt it unwise to fight the "savages" and that itself made people lose intrest.

b. Many anti-imperialism movements scarred people into to disliking it saying war would just increase. And Twain wrote w/ and inti-imperialistic way.

4. What were the positive effects of American occupation in Puerto Rico and Cuba?
Cuba And PR were actualy improved with schools tele wires and alot of other modern stuff. ANd we got several naval bases and Guam.

5. After the Spanish-American War, the United States insisted that Cuba only receive independence after agreeing to several limitations set forth in the Platt Amendment. Four restrictions on Cuban independence set forth in the Platt Amendment were:

a.US right to oversee CUban economy

b.US exersize veto over Cuban foreing polocies

c. US could interveen whenever sought necisary.

d. US could build Naval Bases

Was the United States justified in making these demands? Explain your reasoning.
I believe yes because we had just won this slended littl war and they are one o fthe prizes. We should and did what ever we wanted to them, and even improved the economy and brought the countries up to date with technologie.

6. Do you believe the United States was imperialist? Why or why not?
Yes i do for this because they took over many little countries and controled them. That basicly is the deffinition of imperialism.

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