Friday, October 30, 2009

Spanish-Amarican War

1. What connections did the U.S. have to Cuba in the late 1800s? List at least two.
1) Sugar Plantations

2) We also consumed most of the sugar

2. What were the Spanish “reconcentration camps”?
They were towns were many cuban people were held, with poor food and living conditions.

3. List three reasons why the United States went to war with Spain in Cuba.
a. Spanish Insult got the people all raillied up, and press exagerating it.

b. We wanted to keep ourselves in cuba.

c. The Maine blowing up, though to be work of the spanish.

4. Which do you believe was the most important reason? Why?
That america wanted to keep its intrests in cuba. Becasue cuba was a valuable asset to cuba.

5. What did the Teller Amendment say?
That cuba needed to be pacified before freed.

6. Why was a portion of the Spanish-American War fought in the Philippines?
A portion was fought in the Philippines beacuse spain was in control of the Philippines and we wanted it beacuse we liked the land position plus the Filipiens wanted to be freed.

7. Dewey’s victory in the ______Manila__________ sparked an outpouring of ____volunteers____ in the United States.

8. Why did Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders want to fight in Cuba?
They wanted to fight becasue they had the chance to and wanted to.

9. a. Why were many African-Americans eager to serve in the Spanish-American War?
The thought it would improve the status of the black americans in the US.

b. What forms of discrimination and prejudice did they encounter?
They werent alowed to atain sertain ranks and they were forced into al black regimins and were stationed at posts mostly.

10. How did racism influence American perceptions of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines? Give two examples of events where racism affected U.S. policy after the war.

a. The Cubans wernt alowed in their own negotiations and were going to be pacifeid by the US befored ever freed.

b. The Filipeans were wanting freedom and thought thery were going to get it but theas "little black brothers" (Taft said this) were not "ready" for it, acording to the US.

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