Thursday, October 29, 2009

Imperialism: The Origins of a Global Power

1. Why did American plantation owners and U.S. Marines topple Hawaii’s queen in 1893? Why was Hawaii considered to be a valuable prize? What was President Grover Cleveland’s reaction? Do you agree or disagree with his quote on page 1?
The over threw the queen becasue the plantation's owners wanted to com eunder US control, because they were amaricans. It was valude for its position, being in the middle and a good refueling stop for US ships, and for its fertail land for growing cash crops. Prez Cleveland reacted by withdrawing the treaty that brough Hawaii under our control, and i agree with his statement.

2. Identify five important changes that transformed American in the nineteenth century. How did these five changes affect Americans?
1.Westward expansiopn onto isalnds made amaaricans feel powerful and more amarican.
2.More immagrants from other countries, alot more from countries that have never immagrated here befor just made the amaricans feel strong for being able to take theas people in.
3.Urban grouth was a resalt of immagration and it made more citys poor and more dangerous.
4.Trade made the US a world power and again made the normal middle class americans feel strong.

3. How did the economic depression that began in 1893 deepen the divisions in American society? Which groups suffered the most during the depression?
The depression made the poor even poorer and it effected the middle and upper calss just a little but they still survived, with money.

4. What were the values many Americans attached to the frontier? Why did many Americans fear that the closing of the frontier would harm America’s national character?
The frontier was what made the americans, americans, and closing it would make the americans lose their americanism.

5. Why did some Americans suggest greater involvement overseas?
they suggested it because they wanted to colonize the "lesser knowing" civilizations and educate them to be anglo-saxons and helpl them evolve.

6. What policy did expansionists say would ensure the economic success of the United States? What did imperialists say?
Expansionists say they needed to expand into ne areas and epand their resources to secure econimic succes, while the imperialists said that they needed to take over new areas/ new territories to secure it.

7. How did the theories of social Darwinism and scientific racism lend support to the cause of American imperialism? How were these pseudo-scientific theories used to justify racist policies and imperialism? Are they still used today?
Social Darwinism and scientific racism made people think it was okay to overcome or takeover lands were the natives arnt dressed like them or look like savages.

8. What did many Protestant churches say was America’s role in the world?
Many of them said that amarica's role was that of "liffting up those who were downtrodden" which ment help those who are inferior/ need it (well, who we believe need it).

9. Why did the United States become involved in several Latin American nations in the nineteenth century? Summarize why the United States became involved in Samoa, Hawaii, and other Latin American nations.
US became involved because they wanted the territories, and to secure america's safty by setting up places where we could launch ships from for war.

10. Why was the United States concerned about British involvement in Venezuela? What concept did U.S. Secretary of State Richard Olney invoke in response?
GB was "bullyning" Venezuela because they were on the border with A british colony where there was large gold deposits. U.S. Sec. of State Olney concept was the Monroe Doctrine to try preventing GB from continuing.

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