Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Watergate: Nixon's Downfall

. How were the "plumbers" connected to President Nixon?
They were connected to president Nixon because the thieves were hired by Nixon and they were to break into DNC. They urged the FBI to stop the investigation into the burglary on the grounds of national security. In addition to that the CRP payed the "plumbers" 450000 dollars to keep silent after September of 1972

2. Who was the judge? Why did he hand out maximum sentences?
John Sirca was the judge and he handed out maximum sentences because he believed that they thieves lied under oath.

3. How were Mitchell and Dean connected to Nixon?
They were connected because Nixon had dismissed the white house counsel John Dean and announced the resignations of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and attorney General Richard Kleindienst who had recently replaced John Mitchel. People thought that Nixon was trying to cover up the burglary.

4. How were Haldeman and Erlichman connected to Nixon?
Because they both had announced their resignation from the white house which was seen as a cover up made by president Nixon.

5. What did the following men tell the Senate about Nixon?

a. Dean: Said that Nixon had been really involved in the cover up. he also said that he and nixon along with several advisers had discussed strategies for continuing the deceit.

b. Butterfield: Said that Nixon had taped virtually all of the conversations in the White house. The senate committee said that the tapes were the key to revealing what NNixon knew and when he knew.

6. Who was fired or forced to resign in the "massacre"?
Attorney General Richardson was told to fire Cox, but he refused and resigned. Then, the deputy attorney general refused the order of Nixon and he was fired. Finally, Cox was fired by Gerneral Robert Bork.

7. Why weren't investigators satisfied with the transcripts?
The investigators we rent satisfied with the transcripts because they wanted the unedited tapes and Nixon had sent out ones that were edited.

8. What did the tapes reveal?
The tapes revealed that President Nixon had known about the role of administrators in the burglary and that he approved the plan to distract or take the investigation away from the FBI

9. Why did Vice President Spiro Agnew resign?
Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned because he had accepted bribes from engineering firms while governor of Maryland

10. What did the House Judiciary Committee charge President Nixon with?
The house Judiciary Committee charged President Nixon with obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of congress for refusing to obey a congressional subpoena to release the tapes.

11. How did the Watergate scandal create a constitutional crisis?
The watergate scandal created a constitutional crisis because 25 members were convicted because they were just connected to watergate. Watergate also produced a "imperial" presidency

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