Monday, April 12, 2010

The Arms Race

1. Read Source 12. What methods do you think Dulles had in mind to 'liberate captive peoples' without a war?
I think he plans to get the people of the Soviet Union to over throw the Govt themselfs, and well be here to help if needed.

2. Look at Source 13. Would you agree that the Communist world was encircled? Explain your answer.
Yes i do becasue they are surounded on all sides by nations that have treatys with othere nations and not the Soviet Union itself.

3. Carefully examine the verticle timeline on page 343. Then look back at Source 12. Do you think the development of nuclear weapons was what Dulles might have had in mind?
Possibly because he might have also been trying to scare the Soviets into submission, which what nuclear weappons could accomplish, but instead the Soviets also made tons of new weapons.

4. Look at Source 16. What is the Soviet cartoon saying about the U-2 plane?
It shows that america has its eye on the USSR and its movemnts because we are eather nosy or we are worried about them. Or both.

5. Read the Factfile on page 344. Explain why the USSR was so angry about the US spy flights.
We because they were spying on the Soviets and because after one was shot down, Presedent Esenhower didnt appologies no say they would stop the flights, which angered the Soviets.

6. How would the USA justify this violation of Soviet territory?
THey justified it as

7. If the USSR had had U-2 planes, do you think it would have used them? Why?
Yes i think they would have aas well, because everyone wanted the advantage over the next guy, and thell get it anyway than can.

8. Look at Source 17. Why do you think the USA had missiles based in Europe?
So that we would have a quicker time to respond to the missiles and blow up them faster.

9. Define the term 'nuclear deterrent' in not more than 20 words.
Policy that neather country would launch nulear weapons, fearing the other would also launch and both end up destroyed.

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